Diamond Cut Calculator

Professional Diamond Cut Calculator

Professional Diamond Cut Calculator

Evaluate diamond cut quality based on key measurements. Enter the parameters below for a detailed analysis of fire, brightness, and scintillation.

Enter Diamond Parameters

Ideal: 54-57%

Width of the diamond's top facet relative to its widest point

Ideal: 60-62.5%

Height from table to culet relative to width

Ideal: 33.5-35°

Angle between bezel facets and girdle plane

Ideal: 40.6-41°

Angle between pavilion facets and girdle plane

Quick Reference Guide

💎 Exceptional (95+): Perfect proportions, exceptional light performance

Excellent (90-94.9): Superior cut with optimal light return

Very Good (85-89.9): High quality cut with excellent brilliance

📝 Good (80-84.9): Above average cut with good light performance

ℹ️ Tip: The closer to ideal ranges, the better the diamond's performance